Clear Skies
Going for an afternoon walk is something you take a little bit for granted. It's easy at the moment with covid-19 to become overwhelmed, it's on the news constantly and there's not much escape. An afternoon walk is a release and a chance to reset. I'm very glad we're still allowed to do that (for the moment), being able to get outside is a relief.
Sometimes you see some wildlife around. Normally not this close though.
There's normally a few cormorants around, but today there was a Darter drying itself in the sun. I was able to get within a few metres of it, being careful not to get too close and spook it.
I like the reflections of the afternoon sun on the river.
After wandering around for a little while, I found a Rainbow Lorikeet feeding on some nectar from a eucalyptus tree.
It soon flew off to find somewhere else to feed so I kept wandering.
There wasn't much of a sunset (no clouds), but I like the simple skies, watching the colours change in the evening from yellow, to orange and purple before fading to darkness.